

Alchemical Soul School Guided by the Divine, Facilitated by Tarrin, and Co-Created with You


Know your Worth. Know your Truth. Know your Path. Know your Power.

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Step into your Authentic Power.
Activate your Cosmic Gifts + Abilities.
Lead from Soul-Centered Sovereignty.
Co-Create Healing + Liberation within Beloved Community.

You. Space-Holder, Soul-Tender, Intuitive-Healer.

You know you are here for a reason, for a deep, inspiring purpose.

You have a Soul Desire to bring healing to the World.

Through dreams, visions, and intuitive knowings you have followed the Call, taking Holy steps toward your Great Mission. You have been trained and educated. You know you are here to Lead from your Soul.

And now it is time to Activate and Embody the Cosmic + Spiritual Lineages in your Blood, the Soul Rememberance of your Ancient, Primordial Self, so that you can Stand in your Full Power and Claim your Divine Mission on Earth.

The time is now to release Shame, transmute Powerlessness, step out of Fear, and show up as a powerful force for Healing + Wholeness in the World.


You are invited into Beloved Community.

We really are stronger together.

Awaken is Beloved Community. We are Intuitive Healers + Space Holders who Know there is work to be done for the liberation of communities who have been historically and systemically oppressed, as well as the liberation that comes from releasing our own internalized oppression + Shame that keeps us from standing in our Fullness + Power.

We know when we Heal ourselves, we Heal the World.

Together we embody the Divine in all its glorious manifestations, journeying together through the depths and doorways of the Archetypal Feminine, releasing Shame, liberating ourselves and one another from the restricting binds of isolation, rugged individualism, fear programming, and wounded patriarchal values.

Starting in March 2021, We will dive into 7 months of Soul Curriculum inspired by Liberation theology, Quantum Healing, Depth + Archetypal Psychology, Desert Mystics, Divine Feminine Consciousness, and Somatic Wisdom.

Each doorway into the 7 Temples of Divine Feminine Consciousness invites you to release + shed another layer of Shame, Fear, Wounding, and Programming so that you can Receive the Holy Knowing of your own Inherent Worth, Divinity, and Wisdom.

You are here to Create the Beloved Community.

When we release the internalized wounded systems and structures handed down to us through generations, we invite others to join us in our liberation. When we dismantle Shame with Love, we create Beloved Community where ALL are valued and welcome at the Table.

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The Divine Archetypal Feminine belongs to all Bodies, is made manifest in all bodies, is co-creating with all Bodies. S/he celebrates the magic in Queer bodies, non-binary bodies, trans bodies, brown bodies, black bodies, large bodies, small bodies, multi-cultural bodies, differently-abled bodies, communal bodies, non-human bodies, bodies in pain + discomfort, birthing bodies, bodies in movement, and bodies in stillness.

The Divine Feminine moves through your Sacred Body.

S/he upholds and Centers the voices of those of us who have been historically marginalized, weaving her Eros connectivity throughout all communities and people who desire Wholeness, Sovereignty, Sacred Communion with all of Creation, Consent, Fluidity, Mystery, and deep, true, messy abiding Love.

You are a moving, breathing, fractal of Divine Consciousness, always leaning into Wholeness through experimentation, nuance, context, deep listening, and authentic dialogue with people, nature, and all of the Cosmos.

Step into 7 Temples of Archetypal Consciousness.

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Starting in March 2021, each month you will be invited to step into a Holy Rose Temple with our Beloved Community through our Soul-based Curriculum. Each Temple holds an aspect of Divine Feminine Consciousness, which we will be learning to surrender into and embody through somatic practices, ritual, and community dialogue.

Each Temple includes 4 weeks of Divine Reflections + Initiations as well as a monthly Shadow Inquiry (PDF) for daily practice + an Embodiment Ritual for Somatic integration.

Week 1: Live Community Circle - We will gather around the fire of Soul, listening to the Voice of the Divine moving through us, receiving a Soul-Lesson around the month’s Contemplative theme

Week 2: Live Rose Temple Activation. This is a communal Quantum/Shamanic Journey to the Rose Temple to receive your unique gifts, abilities, and skills activated by the Divine. Here you get to receive and strengthen your innate Soul gifts.

Week 3: Integration. Rest and integration is important. This week is for leaning into, sitting with, and letting move all that has arisen within you this month. You will receive a guided audio meditation to deepen into the practices and tools you are embodying.

Week 4: Closing the Temple - Live Community Circle where we will hold space for one another to share experiences, celebrate one another’s liberation, hold vigil for communal grief, and uphold the Dignity and Sacredness of our Practice.


We will continue our ongoing community dialogue through a Private group (currently on FB but hoping to be moved to another platform) where you will have the opportunity for ongoing support, spontaneous live group Quantum Activation or Prayer sessions, and a sacred space for sharing your Fierce Tender Heart.

Each month you will also be receiving a private Quantum Healing session where you and I will call on the Cosmic Holy Mother Creatrix for deep spiritual, psychological, emotional, and energetic healing. In these sessions we may encounter your Cosmic Guides or discover your Unique Healing Abilities.


You don’t have to keep striving alone.

Here’s some other folks who have benefited from this work…

I am so friggen ready for this. I have worked through some stuff with Tarrin and HIGHLY recommend her. My sessions with her have been one of the best things I have ever done for my mental health and personal development. If you can [join Awaken], I would totally do it now. It is the perfect time for it.

I feel READY in a way I didn’t before we had our sessions together: ready to reclaim my emotionally spontaneous, joyful, playful, creative, affectionate self! And ready to show up as that self in the world.

I feel supported and empowered to continue to show up in the world as my authentic self. Thank you for helping me set aside the negative filters from my distorted vision of myself to be able to notice the positive things I am already doing.

Thank you thank you thank you for always showing up with such insight and grace. Your gentle presence in my life has been exactly what my soul needed through this complicated and challenging time. I can’t thank you enough!

After our work together I’m more capable of loving myself, of tending to my needs, of recognizing my shame narrative when it surfaces, and of recognizing that I want to do more work to become grounded so that I can love myself and love others.

I hold this work in such high regard and working with you feels so different than working with another coach, much more soul-oriented, nuanced and honestly, feels like a level up from almost all the other content I see floating around on social media. I keep wanting to tell people, but I feel like I’ve found a key to a beautiful secret garden and I don’t want to say anything, because to get here I had to find the key to begin with!

After going through Awaken I get to follow the calling of my soul, and to live my life based on what feels aligned for me, rather than giving in to what I think I ought to do. I get to use and own my inner wisdom to guide my decision-making.

For anyone who feels called to contribute to the major shifts happening in the world at present, the most profound way to start would be to start with ourselves. The work is important because, to heal the world we must heal ourselves first.


We learn to Lead, Weave our words, offer our Soul-based services, and come into relationship in the context of community, where we grow, learn, and become together, learning to stand in our sovereignty while upholding the sovereignty of others. We speak courageously and we receive feedback gracefully. We take a stand for our Souls and the Souls of all Others, while understanding that we are each always learning, always in process, always flowing along the Spiral of Life.

If you’re ready to Lead, to Heal, to Empower others, to Co-Create Beloved Community, and to Step fully into your Divine Mission…

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 The Paths to Awaken

Join us now to start cultivating Beloved Community! When you begin your payments this month, you will be invited into 1:1 monthly calls where we will step into Divine Union through Quantum Activations, Shamanic Journeys, Meditations, and Authentic Dialogue before School begins in March.


The Ruby Path

The Golden Path


The Ruby Path includes

  • Monthly Rose Temple Lessons, practices, and activations

  • 3 Live Awaken community calls every month

  • Weekly integration content: Shadow Inquiry, Embodiment Practices + Rituals

  • Access to our Private Community page where we will be sharing our journeys together and supporting one another (FB currently but looking for another platform)

  • Private monthly 1:1 Integration Sessions

Tuition: 8 monthly payments of $417

or pay in full: $3,333

The Golden Path includes

  • Everything on the Ruby Path PLUS

  • 2 additional 1:1 Spiritual Lineage Activations


    My favorite: 24/7 WhatsApp voice and text support for the duration of our Program.

    WhatsApp coaching is like having me in your pocket, ready to offer support, guidance, affirmation, meditations, clarification, and Soul tending as you need it throughout your day, week, months. We are in dialogue through your struggle and challenge as well as through your breakthroughs and celebrations.

    Tuition: 8 monthly payments of $473

    or pay in full $3,777

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Together and Individually we Practice:

Death Work: Shedding and grieving the Ego’s version of who you think you are

Inner Child Reparenting: Tending to your own unmet needs, confronting wounded beliefs, and reparenting yourself with gentleness and Love

Shadow Tending: Identifying old patterns, finding the underlying root, working with triggers to heal deep wounds

Emotional Resilience: Working with Emotions + learning the language of Soul

Somatic Awareness: Self embodiment, intimately knowing and being in the Body Shamelessly and Powerfully

Archetypal Embodiment: Recognizing the ever present potentialities at play in your Being, in your Life, and learning to work with them rather than fighting against them

Relational Sovereignty: Setting true, healthy boundaries from Love + Truth, knowing your needs are valid, in order to to cultivate organic intimacy with Self and Others

Spiritual Healing: Releasing religious imposed Shame so that you can enter into your own True Flow of God-Source energy

Radical Self Love + Acceptance: Embracing all of who you are, Light and Shadow, to live in transparent Wholeness.


Some questions you might have… 

Who is the Divine Feminine?

The Divine Feminine is an Archetypal Essence, meaning an energy with the potential to manifest in particular patterns.

She is the Fierceness of Grace, Unrelenting Love, Abundance, Truth, Innocence, Flow, Receptivity, and Sovereignty.

The Feminine has no particular body because She is in ALL bodies, regardless of sex organs, social gender conditioning, gender identity, or gender expression. She does not discriminate based on religion, sexuality, gender, body type, or any other external quality.

She holds space for all. She Lives and Breathes and Moves in All.

She is the Flow of Life, the Engine of Creation. She is the deep, rich soil of nurturance and growth. She is Inner Vision, Intuition, and Organic Knowing.

To Know Her is to be receptive to the Divine Inner Marriage between all parts of ourselves, inviting us into deeper Union and Wholeness.

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 What is Quantum Healing?

Borrowing the words from my teacher and mentor, Ayana Rose:

“Quantum Healing is an advanced energy healing modality working with the highest energy healing transmissions. These sessions are a combination of advanced psychic reading of the lightbody which holds all timelines, trauma, programming, unique psychic abilities, mission and blueprints intended for this life. These sessions are a combination of energy healing, psychic messages, guide and guardian communication and a total re-building of the lightbody to align ones soul with their highest soul path and ascension timeline.”

In your private Quantum Healing session we may clear old beliefs, patterns, and wounded programming, allowing you to open into and receive Divine transmissions and Soul activations that are unique to you, supporting your individual healing as well as the healing of the planet and the cosmos. Each session is powerful and unique, aligning with your particular Divine Organic Codes.


 Queer + LGBTQIA+ Community Statement

All bodies, all gender expressions, all gender identities, all pronouns, and any and all abilities are welcome and celebrated in this space! The Divine Feminine is for all bodies throughout all phases and all transitions and all seasons. I identify as a European descended cis Queer woman who is married to a woman (a beautiful, brilliant, talented woman, btw). I am always learning how to be more invitational and celebratory of all bodies, cultures, abilities, and cognitive intricacies, including my own, and I invite you to join me in this continual learning and grace and exploration throughout Awaken.

Tuition as Initiation

I am committed to holding an invitation into Awaken for all people who know this is their Path. I have invested hundreds of hours of research, training, and creation, as well as thousands of dollars, into this program in order to make sure it is supportive and transformative. With that said, the tuition for this program reflects my own personal investment and invites you into a deep initiation into your own Self-Abundance and Care. I have extensive payment plans to fit multiple budgets in hopes of inviting as many people as possible into Awaken. I invite you to reach out to me if those payment plans currently do not work for you, and we can dialogue about other plans that may fit better!

Time investment

Together we will be cultivating monthly, weekly, and daily practices that ask for different levels of time + energy. Each week it is recommended to set aside a specific day + time in a sacred space you have cultivated (we’ll be working on this in our first month!) in order to tenderly commune with yourself and the Divine, to sit with the lessons and practices you are learning, and to reflect on your own process. Our live calls will be between 1-2 hours, depending on the content + conversation. The practices and rituals you will receive are an invitation to deepen in as much as you would like! You could take 20 minutes, 2 hours, or a full day for these practices depending on what works best for you schedule. The Soul work we do can be distributed throughout each day (perhaps 20 minutes a day) or practiced in perhaps 2 hours on one particular day.

Want to have a conversation around Discerning whether Awaken is your Path?

I want to hear from you, Love. Fill out the contact form below and we’ll start chatting! OR message me on Facebook or Instagram.

Ready to Dive In?

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