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Jung Dream and Discussion Group

We've made it to the second month of the year! February in the Northern Hemisphere is the time of Imbolg, an Irish celebration meaning "in the belly," a reference to the ewes carrying children in their pregnant bellies. It is a time that invites in the dawn of Spring even when winter still licks at our heels, an in-between time when what has been is still present while the growing expectation of renewal edges upon us.

As I've been leaning into this month, I have felt a sense of liminality, a sense of being in-between, in my own personal life. I am in between many things in life, navigating the space of letting go of what was in order to invite in what is coming.

I wonder if you've been feeling the same. Next week I'd love to have a conversation around liminality. What goes on in those in-between spaces, whether in dreams or in life? How do we find anchors in shifting seas? What can offer us a sense of Presence? What does creativity have to do with this liminal space?

After parting with Freud, Jung experienced his own liminal space where he began encountering unconscious material which eventually became The Red Book. If you have a copy of Memories, Dreams, Reflections you can check out chapter 6: Confrontation with the Unconscious.

On Sunday February 28th from 3-5pm we will have some discussion around the above questions and the included text, and then we'll do some dream tending!

If you have already registered for our monthly discussions, you can click the link in your confirmation email to join us. If you have not registered, you can do so at the link below. After registering you will receive a confirmation email with the link to our Zoom discussion.

I look forward to seeing you there!

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Earlier Event: January 24
Jung Dream and Discussion Group
Later Event: April 25
Jung Dream and Discussion Group