Dream Tending
3:00 PM15:00

Dream Tending

Join us for our Fourth Sunday Jung Dream and Discussion group.

We will be meeting online through Zoom on Sunday, March 27, 2022 from 3-5pm MST!

We meet every 4th Sunday on Zoom. Please fill out the contact information below to receive the link to register as well as the month’s topic and supplemental reading material.

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Association, Amplification, Animation
3:00 PM15:00

Association, Amplification, Animation

This Sunday we will practice the dream tending techniques of Association, Amplification, and Animation, so bring a dream!

Join us for our Fourth Sunday Jung Dream and Discussion group.

We will be meeting online through Zoom on Sunday, February 27, 2022 from 3-5pm MST!

We meet every 4th Sunday on Zoom. Please fill out the contact information below to receive the link to register as well as the month’s topic and supplemental reading material.

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Jung in His Own Words
3:00 PM15:00

Jung in His Own Words

“Psychic events are facts, are realities. And when you observe the stream of images within, you observe an aspect of the world.” - C.G. Jung

This Sunday we will be discussing the ideas brought forth by Jung in this documentary which pieces together aspects of Jung’s theories and ideas in his own words.

Please watch/listen to this video prior to our discussion. If you are not able to for any reason, please still join us!

Join us this Sunday for our Fourth Sunday Jung Dream and Discussion group.

We will be meeting online through Zoom on Sunday, November 28 from 3-5pm MST!

We meet every 4th Sunday on Zoom. Please fill out the contact information below to receive the link to register as well as the month’s topic and supplemental reading material.

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The Seven Sermons to the Dead
3:00 PM15:00

The Seven Sermons to the Dead

“It began with a restlessness, but I did not know what it meant or what "they" wanted of me. There was an ominous atmosphere all around me. I had the strange feeling that the air was filled with ghostly entities. Then it was as if my house began to be haunted....

Around five o'clock in the afternoon on Sunday the front doorbell began ringing frantically...but there was no one in sight. I was sitting near the doorbell, and not only heard it but saw it moving. We all simply stared at one another. The atmosphere was thick, believe me! Then I knew that something had to happen. The whole house was filled as if there were a crowd present, crammed full of spirits. They were packed deep right up to the door, and the air was so thick it was scarcely possible to breathe. As for myself, I was all a-quiver with the question: "For God's sake, what in the world is this?" Then they cried out in chorus, "We have come back from Jerusalem where we found not what we sought/' That is the beginning of the Septem Sermones.”

C.G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, p.190-191)

This Sunday we will discuss aspects of Septem Sermones, Seven Sermons to the Dead, from C.G. Jung’s The Red Book.

Join us this Sunday for our Fourth Sunday Jung Dream and Discussion group.

We will be meeting online through Zoom on Sunday, October 24 from 3-5pm MST!

We meet every 4th Sunday on Zoom. Please fill out the contact information below to receive the link to register as well as the month’s topic and supplemental reading material.

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Beholding images from The Red Book part II
3:00 PM15:00

Beholding images from The Red Book part II

In Memories, Dreams, Reflections Jung writes, “I once asked myself, ‘What am I really doing? Certainly it has nothing to do with science. But then what is it?’ Whereupon a voice within me said, ‘It is art.’”

The Red Book is full of vibrant images, paintings Jung embarked upon as he dove into the Unconscious to swim in the depths. Though he wrestled with the term “art” being applied to what he was doing (see the rest of the chapter "Confrontation with the Unconscious"), he ultimately produced beautiful images from his own Unconscious, symbols rich with ancient meaning and modern significance. 

This Sunday we will be allowing ourselves an opportunity to pause, to contemplate, to behold some of the images from The Red Book. This will be part active imagination, part discussion. And as always we will end by tending a dream. 

Join us this Sunday for our Fourth Sunday Jung Dream and Discussion group.

We will be meeting online through Zoom on Sunday, September 26 from 3-5pm MST!

We meet every 4th Sunday on Zoom. Please fill out the contact information below to receive the link to register as well as the month’s topic and supplemental reading material.

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Beholding images from The Red Book
3:00 PM15:00

Beholding images from The Red Book

In Memories, Dreams, Reflections Jung writes, “I once asked myself, ‘What am I really doing? Certainly it has nothing to do with science. But then what is it?’ Whereupon a voice within me said, ‘It is art.’”

The Red Book is full of vibrant images, paintings Jung embarked upon as he dove into the Unconscious to swim in the depths. Though he wrestled with the term “art” being applied to what he was doing (see the rest of the chapter "Confrontation with the Unconscious"), he ultimately produced beautiful images from his own Unconscious, symbols rich with ancient meaning and modern significance. 

This Sunday we will be allowing ourselves an opportunity to pause, to contemplate, to behold some of the images from The Red Book. This will be part active imagination, part discussion. And as always we will end by tending a dream. 

Join us this Sunday for our Fourth Sunday Jung Dream and Discussion group.

We will be meeting online through Zoom on Sunday, August 22 from 3-5pm MST!

We meet every 4th Sunday on Zoom. Please fill out the contact information below to receive the link to register as well as the month’s topic and supplemental reading material.

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Jung Dream and Discussion Group
3:00 PM15:00

Jung Dream and Discussion Group

We meet every 4th Sunday on Zoom. Please fill out the contact information below to receive the link to register as well as the month’s topic and supplemental reading material.

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Jung Dream and Discussion Group
3:00 PM15:00

Jung Dream and Discussion Group

We meet every 4th Sunday on Zoom. Please fill out the contact information below to receive the link to register as well as the month’s topic and supplemental reading material.

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Jung Dream and Discussion Group
3:00 PM15:00

Jung Dream and Discussion Group

We meet every 4th Sunday on Zoom. Please fill out the contact information below to receive the link to register as well as the month’s topic and supplemental reading material.

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Jung Dream and Discussion Group
3:00 PM15:00

Jung Dream and Discussion Group

We've made it to the second month of the year! February in the Northern Hemisphere is the time of Imbolg, an Irish celebration meaning "in the belly," a reference to the ewes carrying children in their pregnant bellies. It is a time that invites in the dawn of Spring even when winter still licks at our heels, an in-between time when what has been is still present while the growing expectation of renewal edges upon us.

As I've been leaning into this month, I have felt a sense of liminality, a sense of being in-between, in my own personal life. I am in between many things in life, navigating the space of letting go of what was in order to invite in what is coming.

I wonder if you've been feeling the same. Next week I'd love to have a conversation around liminality. What goes on in those in-between spaces, whether in dreams or in life? How do we find anchors in shifting seas? What can offer us a sense of Presence? What does creativity have to do with this liminal space?

After parting with Freud, Jung experienced his own liminal space where he began encountering unconscious material which eventually became The Red Book. If you have a copy of Memories, Dreams, Reflections you can check out chapter 6: Confrontation with the Unconscious.

On Sunday February 28th from 3-5pm we will have some discussion around the above questions and the included text, and then we'll do some dream tending!

If you have already registered for our monthly discussions, you can click the link in your confirmation email to join us. If you have not registered, you can do so at the link below. After registering you will receive a confirmation email with the link to our Zoom discussion.


I look forward to seeing you there!

To receive our once a month newsletter with each month’s topic, link, and reading material, please complete the form below.

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Jung Dream and Discussion Group
3:00 PM15:00

Jung Dream and Discussion Group

Topic TBD

To receive our once a month newsletter with each month’s topic, link, and reading material, please complete the form below.

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Cultivating a Relationship with the Self via Meditation and Active Imagination
3:00 PM15:00

Cultivating a Relationship with the Self via Meditation and Active Imagination

Ellen MacGran, PhD candidate at Pacifica Graduate Institute, will discuss her research related to active imagination and yoga nidra meditation, showing how using these skills deepens our relationship to our depths. She will guide us through a meditation experience combined with writing and/or drawing images to help us more fully access our inner world. You can bring a dream or fantasy image to work with or allow for spontaneous images to arise in our session. You will learn skills and attitudes that can support your psychospiritual journey.

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Unladylike: The Irreverent and Inspiring Baubo
3:00 PM15:00

Unladylike: The Irreverent and Inspiring Baubo

Unladylike: The Irreverent and Inspiring Character of Baubo

Mythological stories reveal who we are and guide us toward who we may become. Rich with imagery and emotion they could be considered companions on our journey through life and role models from which we can discover greater complexity and nuance within ourselves. Jung says that myths are “symbols pregnant with meaning” (Jung, 1960/1971, p. 474) – a meaning that is made more familiar and more immediate by being present in narrative form.

In this presentation, Claire Savage, PhD candidate at Pacifica Graduate Institute, will introduce you to a powerful and funny little lady named Baubo who can be found tucked into the middle of the Homeric Hymn to Demeter.  Baubo’s actions inspire courageous exploration of some of the deeper aspects of the psyche and give us permission to live fully into your own playful (and at times irreverent) nature.

Through the introduction of Baubo, Claire will guide us through how we can cultivate a place within ourselves that honors both consciousness and the unconscious.

Some non-required, but always highly suggested, reading for this month’s discussion includes the following:

Estes, C.P. (1992). Women who run with the wolves: Myths and stories of the wild woman archetype. Ballantine Books.

Lubell, W. M. (1994). The Metamorphosis of Baubo: Myths of woman’s sexual energy. Vanderbilt University Press.

Paris, G. (1998). Pagan meditations. Putnam, CT: Spring Publications.

Tannen, R. S. (2007). The female trickster: The mast that reveals: Post-Jungian and postmodern psychological perspectives on women in contemporary culture. Routledge.

A bit about our Presenter!


Claire Savage is a doctoral student in Jungian and Archetypal Studies at Pacifica Graduate Institute. She has a master’s degree in educational psychology, is a credentialed teacher and resource specialist, and has taught regular and special education in Milwaukee and the San Francisco Bay Area. Claire has written for The Journal for Career Assessment and Psychological Perspectives and has an upcoming chapter entitled “The Soul’s Calling in Teacher Education” in New voices and New Visions: Explorations in Archetypal Pedagogy.

To receive our once a month newsletter with each month’s topic, link, and reading material, please complete the form below.

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The Evolving Feminine God-Image
3:00 PM15:00

The Evolving Feminine God-Image

Susan Persing, PhD candidate at Pacifica Graduate Institute, will illuminate the evolution of the feminine God-Image and its importance in our ongoing capacity to establish right relationship with feminine Divinity, which is not just an issue for women but is crucial as well for men who have been wounded by patriarchy and have lost touch with a vital aspect of their interiority. Recognizing the changing image of the divine feminine opens the door to more harmonious relationships with ourselves, with each other, and with the planet that we call home.

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The Psychology of Home
3:00 PM15:00

The Psychology of Home

Evans Bowen, author of Pilgrimage: A Modern Seekers Guide, guides us in a discussion on The Psychology of Home.

The Covid pandemic has brought us into a new relationship with home. We are working from home, quarantined at home, and homeschooling. Together we’re going to take a closer look at what home means from a depth psychological perspective, and why it is so important to us. We will talk about how our homes are a reflection of ourselves and our psyches, each room an invitation within, and we’ll take a closer look at that very intimate relationship we have with our personal space. Let’s explore how homes nurture our spirit and how can we nurture the spirit of our homes.

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