Filtering by: Jung Dream and Discussion

Cultivating a Relationship with the Self via Meditation and Active Imagination
3:00 PM15:00

Cultivating a Relationship with the Self via Meditation and Active Imagination

Ellen MacGran, PhD candidate at Pacifica Graduate Institute, will discuss her research related to active imagination and yoga nidra meditation, showing how using these skills deepens our relationship to our depths. She will guide us through a meditation experience combined with writing and/or drawing images to help us more fully access our inner world. You can bring a dream or fantasy image to work with or allow for spontaneous images to arise in our session. You will learn skills and attitudes that can support your psychospiritual journey.

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The Psychology of Home
3:00 PM15:00

The Psychology of Home

Evans Bowen, author of Pilgrimage: A Modern Seekers Guide, guides us in a discussion on The Psychology of Home.

The Covid pandemic has brought us into a new relationship with home. We are working from home, quarantined at home, and homeschooling. Together we’re going to take a closer look at what home means from a depth psychological perspective, and why it is so important to us. We will talk about how our homes are a reflection of ourselves and our psyches, each room an invitation within, and we’ll take a closer look at that very intimate relationship we have with our personal space. Let’s explore how homes nurture our spirit and how can we nurture the spirit of our homes.

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