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Cultivating a Relationship with the Self via Meditation and Active Imagination

Cultivating a Relationship with the Self via Meditation and Active Imagination

Ellen MacGran, PhD candidate at Pacifica Graduate Institute, will discuss her research related to active imagination and yoga nidra meditation, showing how using these skills deepens our relationship to our depths. She will guide us through a meditation experience combined with writing and/or drawing images to help us more fully access our inner world. You can bring a dream or fantasy image to work with or allow for spontaneous images to arise in our session. You will learn skills and attitudes that can support your psychospiritual journey.

Ellen earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from the University of Tennessee, an MA degree in Psychology from Pepperdine University and an MA in Jungian and Archetypal Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Pacifica. She is certified in iRest Yoga Nidra meditation, and teaches it to teens and adults online and in person. She lives in Wilmette, Illinois.

If you have already registered for our Zoom discussions, you can use your same registration link to login. If you have not, please register at the link below to reserve your spot!

When: Sunday December 27, 2020 from 3-5pm MST
Where: Zoom
We will be discussing the above topic from 3-4pm. We will take a short 10 minute break from 4-4:10pm, then we will reconvene to tend dreams from 4:10pm-5pm.

Register in advance for this meeting here. When you register you will be automatically registered for all subsequent monthly discussion group meetings and will be able to access them from the same link!

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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Later Event: January 24
Jung Dream and Discussion Group