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The Psychology of Home

Evans Bowen, author of Pilgrimage: A Modern Seekers Guide, guides us in a discussion on The Psychology of Home 

The Covid pandemic has brought us into a new relationship with home. We are working from home, quarantined at home, and homeschooling. Together we’re going to take a closer look at what home means from a depth psychological perspective, and why it is so important to us. We will talk about how our homes are a reflection of ourselves and our psyches, each room an invitation within, and we’ll take a closer look at that very intimate relationship we have with our personal space. Let’s explore how homes nurture our spirit and how can we nurture the spirit of our homes. 

Evans Bowen is the creator of a travel blog inspired by her life of spiritual travel. Always a traveler, Evans has been to all 50 states, Peru, Egypt, Jordan, Europe, Thailand, Taiwan, and Cambodia. In 2014 she walked the 500 miles of the Camino to Santiago, Spain with her 20-year-old daughter, Alexandra. This 40-day pilgrimage inspired her book, Pilgrimage: A Modern Seekers Guide. Evans has a BA in Education from the University of Tennessee and a MA in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. When not visiting sacred sites, she lives a quiet life in an old farmhouse in EastTennessee with her husband, two cats, and lots of books.

A few books recommended for this topic are:

Geography of Home by Akiko Busch
Plant Dreaming Deep by May Sarton
Home: A Short History of an Idea by Witold Rybczynski
On Moving by Louise DeSalvo
Awakening Osiris by Normandi Ellis

Some gems from Evans Bowen in this talk:

"The ultimate goal of a pilgrimage is to come home."

"Home is an essential part of pilgrimage."

"There is a spirit to your home."

What for you is the essential nature of "home"?

"Houses have opinions.”

"We can pilgrimage to the past any time we want."

"When we tap into Hestia, we make home for ourselves... for our own deep satisfaction."

Later Event: October 25
The Evolving Feminine God-Image